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Connections 1.0
Interactive Multimedia Networking
Copyright 1992, David Becker
Compuserve 73030,3562
GEnie D.Becker8
Linking text, graphics, animation and sound within interactive multimedia
presentations is not a new idea. Hypercard on the Macintosh has been doing it
for years. Many commercial programs exist for the PC as well.
I wanted to create a simple tool that would allow any user, adult or child, to
quickly and easily create families of information. These families could be
released in the public domain and shared by all ST users. They would be
interactive, informative, educational, instructive, entertaining and fun to
I'd like to port Connections over to the Falcon. This would truly bring simple,
photo-realistic, CD quality multimedia creation into the home. Exciting
possibilities lie in the future but lets look at what I've accomplished to
date. I hope, with feedback from the Atari community (that means you) we can
mold Connections into an exciting, full featured multimedia platform for the
Atari computer.
Users must be able to share, run and enjoy each others creations without cost,
therefore Connections is freeware. You may distribute it, copy it, share it,
sell it through the user group or upload it to your local BBS. Please make sure
the files and documentation remain intact and unchanged. Connections version
1.0 requires a monochrome monitor. You should have at least one megabyte of
memory and a hard drive.
What does it do?
Connections links the following multimedia family members into your own custom
interactive presentation with graphics, text files, sounds and animation:
* Digitized sounds (Replay format using the extension .SPL)
* Degas full size parent screens (using the .PI3 extension)
* Smaller graphic picture blocks (using the extension .DAT)
* Multiple block animation files (with the extension .ANI)
* Standard ASCII text files (up to 80 columns with the extension .TXT)
* External applications (run other programs .PRG from within a family)
Multimedia children are accessed from a parent screen. This is always a full
size Degas .PI3 picture with icons, arrows, buttons or any prompts you desire
painted on the screen.
With the Connections creation program, you will choose point and click
buttons on the parent screen that users can activate with the mouse and in
turn call forth multimedia children. Parent screens can also call upon other
parent screens, each with their own set of children. Thus we have an infinite
array of multimedia information screens, sounds, animations and text files,
branching out just like a family tree, limited only by your imagination and
disk space!
Lets imagine a theoretical Connections family just for the fun of it. A class
of school children may wish to introduce themselves to other ST users through a
Connections family. They would start with a parent screen containing a title
and a class picture. Each one of the individual students within this screen can
be defined as a point and click button. When a user clicks over top of any
student, the connection is made to another parent screen about that specific
student. This second parent screen can have icons painted on it that when
clicked upon will reproduce the students voice, an animation of the student in
gym class or perhaps some smaller pictures of the students pets and hobbies.
You could attach a text file describing this students home life or other
interests. Finally you would define an icon that would return the user to the
very first parent screen, so that another student could be chosen.
Let your imagination run wild! There are more possible uses for this type of
interactive multimedia network then there are minutes in a day! And if you
think creating your own families is going to be tough ... think again.
The Connections program won't draw your parent screens or graphic children for
you. You will have to create these screens with your favorite paint program.
I've included a utility program on this disk that can grab blocks from your own
.PI3 pictures and save them as graphic children or animations. You can also add
text to these graphic children in a variety of type sizes. Read the
documentation file included with this utility.
Digitized sound files can be created with the Replay cartridge (or compatible
hardware) or found on Compuserve and GEnie. There are many PD utilities that
will convert different format sound files to .SPL as well.
You may wish to borrow Degas pictures available online and add your own text
and icons to them. Watch out for copyright material. There are some excellent
PD conversion programs available that will change almost any graphic file into
.PI3 format.
I usually map my Creations family on paper using a flowchart before I start
drawing and collecting multimedia pieces. Creating the different graphic
screens is a lot of fun and after having compiled all the sounds, animations,
graphics and text files into a folder, the networking of this information is
Let's run the Connections program and we'll give it a try. You can experiment
with the family in the folder named PRACTICE available on this disk.
Networking a Creations Family
When you first run CONNECT.PRG you will be presented with the main dialog box
and asked if you wish to CREATE or RUN a family. Click on CREATE and you will
be asked to load the first parent screen.
The first screen within a Connections family MUST be named START.PI3
Double-click on START.PI3 within the PRACTICE folder and it will be displayed.
This is a family created by our pet dog, Sasha. It didn't take her long to
learn Connections, and she can't type!
You are now ready to create point and click buttons and link these buttons to
multimedia children or to other parent screens. We define a point and click
button by depressing the left mouse and dragging down and to the right. A
rubber-band box will be displayed as you go. Let up the mouse button and the
defined region will become inverted and a dialog box will be displayed asking
you to choose a type of multimedia child.
Let's do it! Drag out an area over top of the SASHA'S PAL HUGO icon at the
bottom of the screen and when the dialog appears, choose GRAPHIC CHILD. When
the fileselector comes up, double-click on the graphic child file named
HUGO.DAT and it will load and display. You can move this graphic around the
screen with the mouse until you are happy with its position. Click the left
mouse button to confirm or click the right mouse button to cancel and try
again. That's all there is to it!
I'll now explain each multimedia child's creation in detail:
Sound Child
Define a point and click button and then choose SOUND CHILD from the menu
dialog. After loading the sample called BARK.SPL from disk you will be
presented with another dialog box. Here you can listen to your sample, slow it
down, speed it up, choose another sound if you goofed, decide how many times
the sample will be looped (repeated) and finally when the sample and speed are
correct confirm the connection.
Animation Child
Animations are just a sequence of graphic blocks that when cycled, create the
illusion of motion. They can be video snapshots, line drawings, cartoons, etc.
but all use the same format as graphic children. You can cut out and create
sequential blocks from Degas .PI3 pictures using the Connections utility
included on this disk. All animation blocks must use the extension .ANI
Name the sequential blocks using descriptive text and numbers, for example:
After defining a point and click button and choosing ANIMATION CHILD from the
dialog, you must select each of the .ANI files from the fileselector, one at a
time, in the exact order they are to be cycled through. Click CANCEL from the
fileselector when done and you will next be able to place "frame one" of your
animation on the screen using the mouse button. After it is placed down,
the animation will immediately begin to cycle. You can use the up and down
arrows to speed up and slow down the animation. When you are happy with the
speed, click the left mouse again to confirm. To cancel and try all over again
you can click the right mouse button.
Text Child
Define a point and click button and select TEXT CHILD from the dialog. Text
files must be ASCII and can be any length. The width cannot exceed 80 columns.
Choose the text file named BREEDS.TXT from the fileselector.
Your chosen text file will now be displayed inside its own window. Text files
centre themselves automatically. You can use the up and down arrows to scroll
one line at a time. Use the SHIFT-ARROWS to scroll one page at a time. You can
also hit B to jump to the bottom of your text file or T for the top. The mouse
buttons will also scroll the text up and down if the mouse pointer lies within
the text window. If the mouse pointer is any place else, a left mouse click
will confirm your connection and a right click will cancel it.
Graphic Child
We've already experimented with one graphic child. They can be any size from
tiny to full screen. After defining a point and click button just position the
graphic on the parent screen with the mouse, click the left button and
Connections will remember its location and add it to the script. Use the right
mouse button to cancel and choose again.
Other Parent Screens
You can define a point and click button to take you to another parent screen.
This first family only has one parent screen but no doubt you'll be creating
larger families in the future.
The new parent screen will be loaded and then displayed until you click the
left mouse button to confirm or the right button to cancel. You can add
multimedia children to the new parent screen later on.
Executable Child
Here is a useful yet dangerous option, one you would probably not use if you
planned on sharing Connections families with other users.
By choosing EXECUTABLE CHILD after defining a button, you can run external
programs, .PRG .APP .TOS from the parent screen.
Not all programs run correctly. Size, available memory, TOS versions and many
other factors come into play here. Experiment, and don't forget others may not
have the same program or the same system requirements! I have not included any
executable children with the practice family.
You can connect a program to a point and click button but it will not be
executed until you actually run the family.
So far, so good. Take some time to play around, get the feel of things. When
you are confident that this first parent screen has all the icons assigned and
connected to all the correct children then click the right mouse button. You
will now be presented with a new dialog box. The most important button here is
the SAVE button so we'll talk about it first:
Saving the Completed Script
When you choose SAVE from this dialog, Connections saves a complete script
outlining every choice you've made relative to this parent screen. That
includes filenames and all other important information. The script uses the
same filename as your parent screen but adds the extension .SPT to the end.
.SPT scripts can be appended or replaced if you choose to load this parent
screen again at a later date.
Connections saves a second type of script with every multimedia child. These
tiny scripts use the extension .SCR and they contain position data, speeds and
other relevant information.
Don't use a filename more than once within a Connections family, even if it
has a different extension. A sound sample named FRED.SPL will use a script
named FRED.SCR, but a graphic child named FRED.DAT will also need a script
called FRED.SCR! Connections always uses the first eight letters of the
multimedia childs filename to create a script.
Changing a Connection
If you wish to change a previous point and click area and its connection
then choose the CHANGE button.
You will see all the point and click buttons turn inverse and a little sign
appear over the top of each one showing what it is connected to. Just click the
left mouse on top of the point and click area you wish to change or press the
right button to cancel.
A dialog will appear showing the connection and asking if you wish to:
Erase this connection
Retain this connection
Assign a new position
If point and click areas overlap, you will be asked about each connection in
turn. Choosing "erase this connection" will delete the connection (but not the
actual multimedia child). Choose "retain this connection" to continue
unchanged to the next stacked connection. Choose "assign a new position" if
you wish to define a new point and click area for this connection. Click
"cancel" to quit making changes.
Viewing Point and Click Buttons
You can view all the buttons you have created by clicking on BUTTONS. Just like
the change option, all the defined areas will appear inverse with little signs
showing their connections. Press the right mouse to exit this option.
The Family Tree
By clicking on this button you can view a flowchart of every parent screen
within your family with every multimedia child that is attached. You can even
choose to view individual types of multimedia children by clicking the left
mouse button or pressing any key. Click the right mouse to exit.
Load the Next Parent Screen
Right after saving the script for your parent screen you will be asked if
you wish to load the next parent screen. If you were creating a large family
you could continue loading and saving all your parent screens until the family
was complete. Remember to keep everything in the same folder.
You can also discard the current parent screen and load another screen by
clicking LOAD within the dialog box.
Multiple Overlapping Connections
Connections allows you to assign more than one multimedia child to a given
area. If you drag out a defined area over top of an existing area you will
first be warned of this with a dialog box. You can then choose to place this
new connection first or last.
When running your family, you must manually exit a text child or an animation
child before other stacked children can be displayed. If, for example, you
connect a text file to a given area and on top of that place a sound sample,
the user will first have to exit the text display window before the sound
sample will play.
On the other hand, if the sound sample were first, it would begin playing
and then display the text window. Most sound samples will play in the
background while other children are being displayed or even while other
mouse choices are made!
Graphic children also require a mouse click to exit but not until all other
stacked connections are displayed. For example, you could connect a graphic
child to a given area and then place a text child on top. The graphic child
would first be displayed and then immediately the text window would open over
top of it. After exiting the text window you could still view the graphic
child until you clicked the mouse. Now, if the graphic child were second in
the connection it would not be displayed until after the text window was
With this in mind, you could stack multiple graphic children. All could be
displayed in different corners of the screen or overlap. After all were
displayed, only one keypress would be needed to exit. How about a long sound
sample at the beginning. The sample would play while the graphic children
were popping up all over the screen!
Confused? Experiment with all the different multimedia children. Figure out
what works best for you.
Running Connections Families
Now we've completed our first Connections family, FUN WITH SASHA. Let's try
it out! Any user having a copy of the Connections program can not only create,
but also run anyone elses family. Simply choose RUN from the first dialog and
then double-click on START.PI3 within the correct folder.
The parent screen will be displayed and you're off to the races! Users can
click on any button and be presented with the multimedia child you have
associated with it. Point and click to you hearts content. This is fun! What a
neat way of displaying information.
Users also have access to the right mouse button dialog. They can view the
family tree, display all the buttons (without the little signs) and even return
to the previous parent screen or to the starting parent screen.
Printing Graphic Images
If you call the right mouse button dialog or press P on the keyboard you can
choose PRINT and send a hard copy of the current screen to your printer. This
screen dump is Epson 9 pin compatible but there are many PD AUTO programs
online that configure screen dumps for other makes and models.
You can press P within text windows to print ASCII files, within running
animations to print one of the cells, while graphic children are displayed or
within any parent screen.
Auto Running Families
You can use INSTALL APPLICATION from the Atari desktop so that the Connections
program will auto-run when you click on any START.PI3 file.
TOS 2.05 and 2.06 users should highlight CONNECT.PRG from the desktop and then
click on "install application" from the menu "options". The dialog should then
be set to:
Application name: CONNECT.PRG
Arguments: ___________
Document type: PI3
Install as: F__
Boot status: Normal
Application type: GEM
Default dir: Application
Parameter: Full Path
Click on INSTALL and then save your desktop to make the changes permanent.
Users of the newdesk TOS 2.06 can also "drop" START.PI3 right on top of the
Connections program icon and have it auto-run.
The last method of auto-running a family is to place CONNECT.PRG and
CONNECT.RSC within the folder that contains START.PI3 and your family. If
Connections finds START.PI3 within the same folder/directory as itself, it
will immediately run that family.
In Closing
I hope you enjoy Connections. Don't hesitate contacting me on GEnie (D.Becker8)
or Compuserve (73030,3562). If you have no way of sharing your Connections
families with other Atari users then send me a disk in the mail and I'll upload
your creation for everyone.
David Becker
211-7291 Moffatt Road
Richmond, British Columbia
Canada, V6Y 1X9